condo conversion

What is the new Condominium Conversion Ordinance (CCO)?

A tried and true Somerville, MA political move is to publish something damning on the weekend before the election, so that the target of the slander doesn’t have time to get a rebuttal out. It’s tried and true, and it was tried again this year. But.It.Didn’t.Work. The current City Council was reelected in its entirety.

By |2020-07-23T07:42:12-04:00November 20th, 2019|Categories: condo issues|Tags: , , , , , |

Welcome, Condo Conversion Ordinance

Two-family house Condos for sale Everyone knows what condo conversion is, right? It’s when an owner changes a multi-unit building from a one-owner property to condominiums deeded by multiple owners. Typically, this would be taking an apartment building and selling off each unit, separately, as condos.  In Somerville -- the land

By |2019-08-01T11:25:07-04:00July 31st, 2019|Categories: condo issues|Tags: , , |