
January: the winter house hunters and the spring house hunters

If this January is any indication, the seasons are shifting in Boston area real estate. Usually between December 15 and January 15, no one is contacting us about buying a house. This year, prospective clients started calling and writing right after Christmas. Winter buyers: Some clients were looking to get on the road, heeding my

By |2023-01-15T12:39:14-05:00January 18th, 2023|Categories: Buying trends, House Hunting, Market data and conditions|Tags: , , , , , |

Seasons of real estate

Not every year is the same, but there’s a pattern. Spring The spring market begins when sellers start listing their properties in larger numbers. Look for these harbingers: No snow on walkways due to light snowfall or warmer weather. Easter has passed. (This year, Easter is April 12.) The spring market is driven by increased