
Love for the house nerd

A thing of beauty is a joy forever! In honor of Valentine's Day, here is a guide to true love between a house and its buyer. Most people think about beautiful houses as those that have outstanding architecture, or high-end, well-chosen tile or other finishes. That kind of beauty speaks to everyone, at some moment.

By |2022-02-07T14:29:12-05:00February 16th, 2022|Categories: Happy Home Ownership, House Hunting|Tags: , , , , |

$3000 towards knob and tube removal

Some electrical repair can’t wait. Knob and tube wiring is one of those problems. This wiring, from 80-100 years ago, has not aged gracefully. It is considered a fire hazard by most insurance companies. Our clients are often told that they cannot get insurance, or they can only get insurance if they promise to remove