You are not really paying attention to real estate this week, right? Yep… That’s what I thought.

Happy holidays!

I’ve been calling this time “National Eating Season” for many years. It is the time when I spend more time in festive eating than I would any other time of year. It is natural for humans to crave food and light as the days grew shorter and colder. It’s more fun to fulfill those cravings with your friends and family.

Thanksgiving was early this year (November 23rd), which kicks off a national trend towards shopping and overeating. Chanukah passed well before Christmas this year. So Jewish people got to have their celebrations before Christmas parties got into full swing. Bodhi Day, December 8th, was on a weekend this year. (That’s a Buddhist holiday). Solstice was on the late side (December 21st). Kwanzaa arrives during the week between Christmas and New Year. Then, before we know it, we’re in 2019.

All-in-all, whatever you are celebrating, do it in good health.

My new year wish for anyone who wants one:

May whatever has been working for you in 2018 continue into 2019. May anything that is holding you back, end with 2018 and not be seen again.